
Library Services


Research Data Management

From the initial planning of a project through to archiving and sharing, the research data management team advises the UCL community on managing research outputs - across the research data lifecycle - and in-line with UCL’s expectations and external funding agencies requirements.
The UCL Dome and leaves on a tree in the front quad

Managing research data at UCL

Learn more about using the research data lifecycle to inform your data management planning.

Flowers in bloom; decorative image

Data policies and expectations

Guidance on the data sharing policies of UCL and the various funding agencies such as UKRI, the research councils the Wellcome Trust.

The Wilkins Terrace with flowers in the foreground.

Storing, securing and backing up

Information about storage, security, long-term preservation, retention and disposal of data as well as information on sensitive and personal data.

Flowers in bloom; decorative image

Archiving, preserving & curating

After completing research, researchers should consider how they will archive, preserve and curate their outputs.

Tree branch and leaves in foreground with UCL building behind

Discovery, access and sharing

This guide provides information on data discovery, citation, copyright and analysis.

UCL front quad and Portico building in spring

UCL Research Data Repository

All staff and research students can archive and preserve research outputs in UCL's Research Data Repository.

Research Data news 

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Room 312, DMS Watson Building, Malet Place, London WC1E 6BT